Contractor and Subcontractor Registration, Requirements and Information for the City of Columbiana

The City of Columbiana is accepting contractor registrations for calendar year 2025.

Contractors and subcontractors that are engaged in work or providing services with a total gross amount of annual receipts over $5,000.00 must first register with the City of Columbiana before supplying goods, services and/or labor within the city limits.

Please see the following link to the contractor and subcontractor registration form. For additional information or questions, please contact the Zoning Department at 330-482-2173, option 2 or via email to [email protected]

Contractor and Subcontractor Registration Information

Traffic Alert: Railroad Crossing Closures in the City on Thursday, January 9, 2025

On Thursday, January 9, 2025,  Norfolk Southern crews will be closing the Main Street Railroad Crossing and the Pittsburgh Street Railroad Crossing for maintenance work.

  • Main Street Railroad Crossing to close at approximately 9am and will re-open at approximately 12 noon.
  • Pittsburgh Street Railroad Crossing will close at the completion of the work on the Main Street Crossing.

Both crossings are expected to be open by the end of the day.

We appreciate your patience. If you have any questions or concerns please contact City Hall at 330.482.2173 option 6. 


Christmas Tree Disposal – Curbside Pickup Days

City crews will pickup your Christmas Tree curbside on the following days:

  • December 30, 2024
  • January 6, 2025
  • January 13, 2025
  • January 21, 2025
  • January 27, 2025

Trees must be bag and ornament free for pickup.

If you have any questions please contact City Hall at 330.482.2173 option 6.

UPDATE: Lakefront Sanitary Sewer Project affecting Stanton Avenue area

UPDATE:  December 18, 2024

All road cuts should be patched in with cold mix by Friday, December 20, 2024.  Stanton Avenue should be open early next week.

In the event that emergency vehicles need to pass through Stanton Avenue, there is a plan in place.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact City Hall at 330-482-2173 option 6.

We appreciate your patience and understanding!


UPDATE: Road Closure is postponed until Tuesday, October 22, 2024 at 8:30am.

Route 164 at 7th Street to Route 14 will be closed starting Monday, October 21, 2024 at 8:30am and will re-open at approximately 12 noon while the crews perform scheduled work.

Detour signs will be posted accordingly.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact City Hall at 330-482-2173 option 6.

We appreciate your patience and understanding.



City Natural Gas Aggregation Program Updates

UPDATE | December 1, 2024

The City of Columbiana has renewed an agreement with IGS (Interstate Gas Supply) for the Natural Gas Aggregation Program for the City of Columbiana Residents.

The default fixed price to City of Columbiana Natural Gas Aggregation Program Customers for the utility billing cycles beginning December 2024 through November 2026 shall be $.575 per CCF.

As a reminder, prospective program participants (current participants and newly eligible) will receive an opt-out letter from IGS prior to enrollment in the new program term and rate.  Customers can leave or join the program at any time without incurring any early termination fees or additional charges.

If customers choose to not participate in the aggregation program, Columbia Gas will provide your gas supply along with its typical regulated distribution obligations.

If you have any questions please contact City Hall at 330-482-2173 option 6.


UPDATE | September 27, 2024

Gas aggregation opt-out letters will be mailed out to city residents starting on October 4, 2024.

As a reminder, prospective program participants (current participants and newly eligible) will receive an opt-out letter from IGS prior to enrollment in the new program term and rate.  Customers can leave or join the program at any time without incurring any early termination fees or additional charges.

If customers choose to not participate in the aggregation program, Columbia Gas will provide your gas supply along with its typical regulated distribution obligations.

If you have any questions please contact City Hall at 330-482-2173 option 6.


UPDATE | September 16, 2024

The City of Columbiana has renewed an agreement with IGS (Interstate Gas Supply) for the Natural Gas Aggregation Program for the City of Columbiana Residents.

The default fixed price to City of Columbiana Natural Gas Aggregation Program Customers for the utility billing cycles beginning December 2024 through November 2026 shall be $.575 per CCF.

As a reminder, prospective program participants (current participants and newly eligible) will receive an opt-out letter from IGS prior to enrollment in the new program term and rate.  Customers can leave or join the program at any time without incurring any early termination fees or additional charges.

If customers choose to not participate in the aggregation program, Columbia Gas will provide your gas supply along with its typical regulated distribution obligations.

If you have any questions please contact City Hall at 330-482-2173 option 6.


UPDATE | October 18, 2022

Residents who are not in a contract with another natural gas supplier on their own should be receiving their letter in the mail this week from IGS (Interstate Gas Supply) regarding the Natural Gas Aggregation Program for the City of Columbiana.

You are automatically enrolled in the program and will not need to do anything.

If you would like to choose to opt-out you will need to send in the bottom portion of the letter or call IGS.

UPDATE | September 12, 2022

The City of Columbiana has entered into an agreement with IGS (Interstate Gas Supply) for the Natural Gas Aggregation Program for the City of Columbiana Residents.

The default fixed price to City of Columbiana Natural Gas Aggregation Program Customers for the utility billing cycles beginning December 2022 through March 2023 shall be calculated by adding to the applicable NYMEX final monthly settlement an amount equal to $.15/CCF.

For the utility billing cycles beginning April 2023 through November 2024 the default fixed price to City of Columbiana Natural Gas Aggregation Program Customers shall be $.809 per CCF.

If customers choose to not participate in the aggregation program, Columbia Gas will provide your gas supply along with its typical regulated distribution obligations.

For reference, the default standard choice offer through March 2023 provided by your regulated utility, Columbia Gas of Ohio, is the NYMEX monthly final settlement + a fixed basis adder of  $0.165 per CCF.  So customers choosing the City of Columbiana Gas Aggregation Program  will see a savings of $.015 per CCF for the billing cycles December 2022 through March 2023.

Enrollment letters will be mailed to residents who are not in a current contract and you will be placed into the new City Gas Aggregation Program. As always though, you will have the option to opt-out if you chose to do so. If you are in a current contract with another supplier you have the option to opt-in to the City Gas Aggregation Program at any time once you are out of your current contract.

If you have any questions please contact City Hall at 330-482-2173 option 6.


UPDATE | August 2, 2022

Our gas aggregation program negotiators are continuing to monitor the natural gas market prices daily. They are advising to continue holding off for the time being and quickly mobilize for a new price lock/signing date when the market offers some worthwhile downside on pricing.

When a new rate/contract is locked in all city residents, who are not in a current contract, will be placed into the new City gas aggregation program. As always though, you will have the option to opt-out if you chose to do so.

We will continue to post updates here as it becomes available or you may contact City Hall at 330-482-2173 option 6.


UPDATE | May 20, 2022

Discussions were held on May 19, 2022 with the gas aggregation program participating communities and the negotiators.

They are continuing to  monitor the market to find a new supplier and fixed rate offer to serve the program.

We will continue to post updates here as it becomes available or you may contact City Hall at 330-482-2173 option 6.



The City of Columbiana is aware that our gas supplier, Volunteer Energy, has filed bankruptcy. You may receive a letter from Columbia Gas indicating that you will be put back to a default supplier determined by Columbia Gas.

Your Service will not be interrupted.

We are monitoring the situation closely. The hearing that was to be held on April 5th was postponed to April 7th. We have not heard any results yet.

Please check back here, for more information, as it becomes available.


Biodegradable Leaf Bag Pickup Dates and 2024 Fall Leaf Removal Info

Only biodegradable bags will be collected. No other bags will be accepted.

Additional bags are available at City Hall, 28 West Friend Street, in the cabinet located outside the city hall front doors from 8am – 430pm, Monday – Friday (while supplies last).

For areas of the city with an abundance of leaves, crews will pickup leaves curbside through December – weather permitting. There is no specific schedule for curbside pickup. 

If you have any questions regarding leaf bags or curbside leaf collection please contact City Hall at 330-482-2173 option 6.



Just a reminder: Wastewater Department Public Service Announcement for City of Columbiana Residents Who Utilize the Sanitary Sewer System

A note from the Wastewater Department.

Don’t be fooled, not all items are flushable!

The Wastewater Department is being negatively impacted by non-flushables being flushed down the toilet.  Please do NOT flush wipes of ANY kind down the toilet.  The only flushable item is toilet paper.  Please dispose of wipes, paper towels, tissues, napkins and the like in the trash.

Many products these days are marketed as flushable.  From disposable toilet bowl cleaners to wipes that clean your “bum”. We want you to know that these items can’t be flushed.  Some of these items claim they dissolve enough to make it down your toilet but, they re-form once they enter the sewer and can cause sewer back up and damage pumping equipment.

Here is a list of the items that do not dissolve in the sewer and can cause sewer backups in your home or neighborhood.


  • diapers
  • paper towels
  • facial tissue
  • cotton swabs
  • baby wipes
  • adult wipes
  • medicated hygiene wipes
  • hair
  • gum wrappers
  • candy wrappers
  • facial pads
  • dental floss
  • floss picks
  • cigarettes
  • cotton balls
  • scoops of kitty litter
  • women’s hygiene products
  • all purpose cleaning wipes
  • disposable toilet wand pads
  • adhesive bandages
  • condoms
  • makeup remover wipes
  • shower body wipes
  • Any cloth items: T-shirts, Briefs, wash cloths, towels.
  • Mops, mop heads.
  • Plastics. (Shopping bags or hard plastic items.)
  • Oil and Grease.

Elevate Building Solutions Contractor Meet and Greet Event to be held at the Columbiana Arts Theater

The City of Columbiana, the City of Salem, and Elevate Building Solutions are hosting a contractor meet and greet on Thursday, November 14th from 9:00-11:00 a.m.

The event will be held at the Columbiana Arts Theater (The CAT) located at 5 N. Main Street, Columbiana, OH 44408.

The event is open to all contractors and sub-contractors and donuts and coffee will be provided.

Attending contractors will receive a 1 hour continuing education credit for Chapter 1 Code Requirements.

RSVP is encouraged, but not required. Please RSVP to Elevate by calling 330-537-1536.


Branch Pick-Up Schedule 2024

Branch pickup in the City for the month of October  will be October 7th-11th.

Some months may have a variation of the pickup week due to other projects that may arise for the street crews.

Place your naturally fallen branches ONLY to the curb.

Shrub and/or tree trimming cleanups should not be placed at the curb and is the responsibility of the homeowner.

If you have any questions please contact City Hall at 330-482-2173 option 6.